Thursday, January 29, 2015
Is The Present Day Christianity Missing The Point?
As 2015 gets underway we are inundated with questions needing urgent answers, especially touching on Christendom. Flurry of religious activities are widely reported as some of us come to terms with high numbers of clerics on the rise almost in every corner of the globe save for areas that aren't predominantly Christian. It's a good thing to see such a surge in ministry related activities, but a close look at what is being disseminated will make one cringe, as spiritual protocols and etiquette are quashed with abandon.
I am not a proponent of religiosity neither an ardent fan of what is channeled out, that sidelines Christ from the core Christian theme and relegates him to lower cadres within the structures we have mischievously conceived.
Being a bible expositor is something of a boon when dealing with wrong exegesis which have been contrived with a clear motive to circumvent the truth; in order to entrench our own theological order. That said, it can't be used to embellish revelatory ideologies that undermine the power of the cross biblically speaking.
Reading in the bible how the church was conceived, and the way the structures were divinely ordained, prompt some of us to shudder as a result of what we see being aggressively rolled out in the name of advancing Kingdoms' principles. In the very quest for truth, man has devised his/ her revelatory order - that contradicts the very existence of the scriptures that captures the mind of God in the realm of revelation.
Today, we are seeing on social media, and other relevant platforms emergence of a new trend that betrays the foundational gospel message preached by early New Testament patriarchs. We see all manner of religious regalia worn by men of the cloth which epitomizes according to those donning such outfits " the calling to certain office and right to it," though not thus said in a categorical sense, but it Is seen to so imply.
Jesus Christ was so simple in his illustrations and he led rather a humble life. He didn't create larger than life image of himself in his ministry heydays, on this, there is sharp contrast to what is being advanced by the clergy today, in terms of illustration, interpretation and lifestyle, because they're busy creating a larger than life image of themselves.
His modus operandi, if you may call it was unique, it left scores of pundits of the day in awe by sheer wisdom he wielded. The way he expounded scriptures to his audience was baffling, and with godly aura around him he kept everything simple, teaching servant hood among his disciples.
Today the gospel is marred by controversial statements, albeit, from a look of things, this has emanated from principals adopted by would be custodians of the mysteries of God. We have seen sugar-coating of the gospel almost everywhere making the word of God of none effect by sets of traditional approaches not hinged on the scriptures; but all from our cultural dictates and tastes.
We select, handpick men and women and dole out ministries as candies in the guise of hearing supernatural voice leading us, of which the audience isn't allowed to question but nod in approval even when the exercise doesn't measure up to the word of God. There is a criterion set in determining spiritual avocation. It is not the head of the "See" to pronounce you to certain office, but God to call you to some spiritual office.
Literal Translation
Act 13:1 And in Antioch some among the existing assembly were prophets and teachers: both Barnabas and Simeon, he being called Niger, and Lucius the Cyrenian, and Manaen the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
Act 13:2 And while they were doing service to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, So then separate both Barnabas and Saul to Me, for the work to which I have called them.
Act 13:3 Then, having fasted and prayed, and placing hands on them, they let them go.
Looking at this very closely you will see that the office was not being doled out to yes men, or right hand people or cronies, but the very chosen of God into the apostolic office. No religious robes and rings were brought in, to be worn by them, neither was any liturgical order pronounced in carrying out a huge service which culminated in one donning fancy religious regalia and mimicking the apostolic succession order whatever that is.
We need to be sensitized on God's way of doing things, and be reminded that man is fast abandoning that path in his quest for honor and prestige at the expense of the clarion call made by the Lord himself, which says He " take up your cross and follow me."
There are many scandals rocking the Christendom, because we have veered of the right path, and are now led by carnal dictates. We are busy competing for the worlds attention, instead of calling the world to Christ. Now what do we have in our midst? It's shame talking about those things reported in our midst, we can only say Lord have mercy on us.
Why do we have doctrinal schism, if we all claim to ascribe to the same faith that has Jesus Christ as the head of the church? And why are we not cohesive enough in propagating the tenets of the Kingdom of God? It is because we are clouded with things that shouldn't be clouding us at this point in time. We must take heed and promote the gospel as illustrated by Christ, and live the gospel according to his command.
Our savior and Lord Jesus Christ shed his blood, paid the ransom and bought us with a price, we need to go back to the basics, and figure out where things went wrong, and revert to the first love. I do hope as I take in-
depth analysis of what is gone wrong with a genuine heart, I will be able to find answers that will put me back to the track, and so is everyone called of God and has been agonizing over the very many things going wrong among the community of believers. God is ready to bless us, and move us to another level if we can acknowledge where we have erred and come back to him with humility. May this year see you promoted to another level in Jesus name!

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