Paul came to Corinth aware of the philosophical leanings in this colony. Great images were dotting Athens which then, was the academic hub in that civilized world, and boasting of great intellectual prowess among other colonies in the larger brutal Roman Empire. Diana the goddess commanded respect among the people in the former world power under Alexander the Great, but now relegated to the periphery by the dominance of the Roman Empire. But citizens in this colony were still proud of their unrivaled worldly wisdom.
The 'might' this world generously offers, or its wisdom cannot supersede the intents of God. "Science is good, but it can't bring an end to the suffering of a human soul, that craves for freedom from its enslaved sin nature." In their thinking, the elite in Athens had mesmerized the hoi polloi with philosophical stances. They believed in nothing else other than in the wisdom of their deities. Diana the goddess of fertility was still reverenced. And any threat to her, or doctrines that pointed to her as a goddess, were met with utter disdain, and disturbances that would literally result in great persecution.
Paul grew up as Jew in the diaspora; where he was able to acquire his Roman citizenship. The commercial hub of Tarsus had hosted people from other nations that were under the Roman rule. He was send by his father to the religious capital ( Jerusalem) to further his education in pharisaical theology, under the tutelage of the renowned Hebrew scholar Gamaliel, because in part, the Jews loathed the worship of idols, but still participated in many of the Gentiles revelings. So he had to get the best of what the Jewish scholars would give.
Loathing any form of worship, and practically doing most of the things, or practices, that are synonymous with those worshipping in a different way, can not make one look different, or even better.
After his conversion, fired up for the Lord, he began to preach the same gospel he was opposed to. When true conversion comes, there is always a desire so strong that nothing can quench it, and it's all about pursuing after the things of God. Today the conversion has been reduced to something that means absolutely nothing in this present world. There has been a rush to get involved in ministry, and anybody can stand before a gathering and preach.
Having encountered resistance from people of his stalk, he goes to the Gentiles to tell them about the risen Christ, the same one that was resisted by the top rabbinical echelon. As a trained young lawyer who could eloquently argue his case to both the Jewish and the learned Gentiles, Paul chose to be led of God.
He understood too well that Christ had to abide in him, and he was to remain sold out to Christ through ministry given to him by the grace of God. When he therefore comes to Corinth he understands nothing could sway the Corinthians other than the demonstrative power of God through his Spirit.
1Co 2:1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
1Co 2:2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
1Co 2:3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
1Co 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
1Co 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
This instance buttress the fact that Paul knew how to bring his testimony; even to those hitherto held a different view, more so, emanating from the belief system they had embraced over the years.
The whole city of Athens, was given to idolatry, and just as it is today, we have many forms of idolatry in a newer form, with a clever way of explaining as to why we have all these images. Christians today have given themselves to revelings in the guise of celebrating religious calendars, when in reality it's all about drinking and having fun.
It's not an open secret anymore that some Christians, especially those who preach, or sing in the worship teams, even pastors wives, participate in Halloween, and other cultural celebrations.
Well, how does that resonate with the word of God? How does one get dressed like a scary demon and still say they are sold out for Christ? Hosea captures that very well by telling Israel that " may people perish for lack of knowledge."
The spirit of Paul was stirred up in him on seeing how the entire city was given to idolatry, but the philosophers and the stoics mocking - christened him a 'babbler, and setter forth of strange gods,' because he preached Jesus and his resurrection.
It's not all about arguing our spiritual case eloquently to prove our point, rather to the contrary we are inclined at all times to know who we are in Christ, and speak audaciously about him, allowing the Spirit of God to lead us.
Paul allowed the demonstration of God's power to take prominence, and it was evidenced in his ministry at a time persecution was too glaring, and that would have prompted anyone that wasn't given up to christ completely beat a retreat.
We are faced with myriad challenges, and some of us haven't been able to resist the allures of this life the world gives, even though, it hasn't stopped the few brave servants of God from keeping the fire burning, and challenging the status quo to live up to bible tenets.
In spite of what is happening, and shaping up as a new spiritual battle front, God is raising his servants who will remain categorical on all the bible indicators, and will never get themselves compromised; but shall stand for the truth.
It's time to teach the church the bible principles, and warn the church on the dangers lurking, and how the church can avoid yesteryears pitfalls. Holiness, righteous and right standing with God has to be discoursed without fear. It's not wrong to prosper, but this should not override what Christ rallied us for. Gospel tailored on the basis of prosperity will not free the human soul from the bondage of sin. It is good to prosper but that doesn't come to replace the core gospel values. It is time for us to speak up and allow God to take us to dimensions hitherto never experienced.