As the year come to an end, and anticipation grips us over what is to shape 2012, we need to ponder on the very aspect of Christianity detailed at the length in the Bible. Many have been the challenges experienced this year. Some will say promptly " Thank God the year is over" and some others it has been the best of years in their lives. All these are not in anyway to cloud what we still need to achieve in terms of spiritual goals. We still need to stay the cause, to contunue fighting all those spiritual wars and overcome him that has vowed to vanquish us.
The World has seen so much of spiritual upheavals as a result of manifold situations that have in the past gripped the mundane. Earthquakes, Tsunami, Floods, Wars, economic slow down are among other documented aspects that engulfed the planet for the better part of 2011. And we are not out of the woods yet. Why is it that "man" does not seem to think for a second as to why all this has been going on? A case to point out vividly is, when Moses had been dispatched by the Lord ( I am Who I am) to Pharaoh with a clear message-" let my people go". He told Moses that this message will go unheeded by the Egyptian King because He had hardened his heart. Miracles alone were not going to unsettle him, he will try (Pharaoh) to defy the spiritual cause, for the Lord was permitting it, in order to visit great punishment on this nation as he had pointed out to Abraham. Genesis 15.13-14. Could this be the same path most of the people on this planet might be treading on?
Christ, prior to his death on the wooden cross at Calvary, had given his disciples some prophetic insight as it partains to our times. In this set up, and scenario that is evidenced in our generation matches what the" prophetic" has vividly pointed out. There are many things that are on going to which some bible commentators are touting as end-time signs.The end-time has been here as suggested, bearing in mind that Jesus hinted to his disciples that he was coming soon. The soon has now been about 2,000 years. Every prophetic word must be fulfilled, and that is why we are seeing myraid aspects unfolding in our time. We are not to be blinded by anything that runs counter to what has been singled out.
Not to dispair as this situations take toll on some, we are at the same time not going to keep quite, but enlighten many others on a need to stay the cause. Time is of great essence, and we have a duty to do that which we have been called upon to execute. Isreal as a nation in bondage at the time when God was dispatching him ( Moses) from the Midian desert had cried to Him, and he duly tells Moses I have heard the cry of my people. Was God waiting for the cry of His people to act? have we cried enough for God to emancipate His people? It is interesting to note that God had told the Israel patriach that he will allow his descendants to be in Egypt for 400 years, but we see later that they were there for 430 years. Does it mean the cry of this people in bondage had not sufficed? Signs and all indications were there, even though most of it was either seen or not, we see when moses is send to them what the reaction of the people was. Every time, when things seemed not to be rosy they will recoil and lay blame on Moses chosing to live in bondage than get out. Many people today are chosing to live in bondage than get out of it. Others want to maintain the status quo than raffle the religious, or political feathers the wrong way. In the mean time Moses knew what his mandate entailed, and since he had experienced the visitation, when he himself had resigned to the fate that had come upon him, would not take it laying down, but see the bondage trounced. When we duly encounter Him (God), we can not allow anything to cloud our vision.
One thing that strikes me is shear manifastations that were wrought by God in Egypt. We see whereas the people of the land had enjoyed relative calm, prosperity, and had seen it loaded over to the slaves who had multiplied, time came when the nation was jolted from its spiritual slumber. And God protected the "slaves" as they were seen by the Egyptians. None of the plagues visited upon Egypt had a bearing on the Isrealites, because God protected them. He is also in the business of protecting us who call upon him faithfully.
Many things that are not good will be reported. Hearts will melt and live in fear, and this is not going to be the end, rather the starting point as pain is inflicted. Are we going to cry because the world is crying, and panic when great economies are grounding to a halt? No! He is going to provide for them that continually call on him day and night Romans 1-17 the just shall live by faith. We need to be strong in the midst of great challanges that will come our way.
The challenges and mountains you saw this year, in 2012 you shall see them no more, it is a year of great victory as we step in the plenty and "rest" in matters partaing to the Kingdom of God. To be contiuned.
Dr. Ephantus N Steve
Lectures Christian Philosophy.
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