Nobody can fathom the mind of God, but we can be made to understand his will. And for that reason, us that have surrendered our lives to him ( Christ) that is the author and finisher of our faith stand a better position to grasp his will. Time to fight over faith, and raft of beliefs will get us no where. Consigning God to our traditional gospel exegesis won't make us smarter in our theological thoughts and inclinations. Revelatory propensity whose architects tend to limit God in his dealings will always miss crucial leads and points.
Maturity is required in all aspects. There isn't anyone that has it all or knows it all. "Unique as our abilities-through his gifts will dictate-we still need to advance in his will. We can't limit his power, we can't relegate him to dimensions that we think he does operate in." As we grow in him, we stand a better chance of becoming the recipients of the revelatory aspects that appertain to his Kingdom.
Christ wasn't understood; they couldn't; not when they saw things through the prism of flesh, and traditions which most of them spend time learning. We spend time arguing about who is right and who isn't. In most cases, we entirely engage in spiritual trivialities, which hold no water, and means absolutely nothing when it comes to understanding God's will.
In the book of mark; we do see clearly the intent of John and some others, who believed that it was only them and the company that were mandated to execute Christ's will. "For they came across one casting demons like them and they forbade him, simply because he didn't belong to their company."
Mar 9:38 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us.
Mar 9:39 But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.
Mar 9:40 For he that is not against us is on our part.
Mar 9:41 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.
This shows us with a lot of credence for a fact that they still didn't grasp the full intent of God. Many still don't grasp the intents of Christ. "We therefore need to advance beyond dimensions we are operating in, so that we can be able to see clearly by application of eye salve purchased from him."
There are dimensions we need to start operating in, especially those that make us sit with Christ in heavenly places. It's not about who can preach so well, or teach well, or who runs a mega-church, or has the most sought-after ministry; rather one that has an ability to walk with Christ daily. "And in the same breath overcoming such things as those that hamper spiritual growth; the very things that quench the spirit, and the same one that is truly a lover of God."
Anytime we start operating within the confines of religious dogmas, and feeling more superior than others. Then we will find out that we are missing the point big time."John attests to this in his gospel when he does say; that he came to his own and his own received him not: but as many as received him; gave he the power to become the sons of God. He is now aware of some things that were literally not exposed to him prior to Christ ascendency, and the coming of the spirit of God to In-dwell them that believed on him."
This is the time to know God intimately. "Once we make strides in aspects expected of us: we shall therefore come to understand the mystery of his will in the gospel handed to us. And we shall contend for the faith that was once delivered to the apostles and which also is delivered to us." We have to prioritize this, and give it the attention it deserves. Only immature people engage in fights, rivalry, and certain challenges aimed at seeing who is better than the other. Children do this all the time as they grow, but they that have come of age engage not in such things that are equated, and seen to belong to babes."
"Let's therefore grow in him. And become responsible saints, who are ready to scale spiritual heights without being antagonized by negative propensities designed to derail any advancement in the spheres of power. Growth is vital, and when we don't grow, it is evident that something is wrong somewhere."
Monday, October 31, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Giving Up-No-Not You
One of the challenges of being a Christian is keeping up your faith in the midst of scores of assaults emanating from the enemies camp. The assailant is very furious, and determined to disrupt that level of faith; "which if it goes unchecked, could cause him (the enemy) devastating harm, hence he tries to render it ( faith) null and void."
Jesus started his ministry, at a time when many peoples' level of faith had deteriorated to alarming levels. "It was also compounded with a teaching that seemed to cast a dark shadow over the faith Jewish patriarchs once held. Though the nation of Israel had a streak of unbelief, we still read more about the great faith with which some of their patriarchs displayed, who had faith in God, and they got for themselves a place in the entire chapter of the book of Hebrews which literally speaks more about faith."
"One of the greatest aspects Jesus instilled in his disciples was the art of believing God without doubting, a hard task; given the fact that during those days he was with them, his disciples were not filled with the Holy Spirit." He had to teach them not to lean on their understanding. Most of us today lean on our understanding. We cry desperately for help, but at the same time, "we got our own ways and methodology we use when trying to solve things-we tend to think needs our-machinations, when indeed God is waiting for us to put our trust entirely on him."
Having toiled the whole night, Christ requested to use Peter's vessel or boat. He told him to withdraw it from the land, and spoke to Peter from his vessel which he had converted to his pulpit, after that he told Peter- "launch out into the deep, and let your nets for a draught or a haul." And Simon or Peter answering said-"Master, we have toiled all night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at thy word I will let the net." Luke 5:1-5. Notice he says at your word, and he declares I will let my net instead of nets. I don't want to talk on the subject of the nets. I will zero in on aspects of the word, especially the one the Lord gives with clear instructions.
Having heard him speaking, though of the two ships he chose one that belonged to Peter, there was a clear intend on the part of Christ, that signified faith-building in situations that are dire. And how important not to give up hope even in the very difficult of moments. "When we find ourselves in similar circumstances and we hear his voice, then we need to act upon the instructions conveyed to us. Had Peter failed to do what he was told, (though through his expertise in fishing he was unable to get fish) for Christ might have spoken to the fish to hide till he tells them to get in to the net, he would not have had such a great encounter that made him bow at the feet of Christ; and subsequently telling Jesus to depart from him, for he was a sinful man."
Jesus told Peter not to fear because from that time on he shall catch men and not fish; and the Bible says he forsook all and followed Christ. Giving up is for the fearful, but the bold, will always summon courage to fight on until help arrives. We have constantly seen how God always came through when least expected, and salvaged his, from situations that bedeviled them, especially, when it all looked bleak. Some lean on the expertise or knack acquired over the years. And some lean on aspects that seems to show some ray of hope according to their own underestimating, nevertheless, none of it will be of great help. It's only when our faith remain in God, that we can be able to triumph against all odds, defying the norm, and that which is conventional, "and this will bring about a testimonial which ascribes glory and honor to God, hence making the faith of many to be build-up in Him that is the giver of life."
Every one got their low moments, and we get tried in many fronts. In all these, God allows situations like this to take place so that he sees as to whether we can trust him enough, or we will fall by the way side because our belief system has been shaken. Even Abraham was given a son in his old age, and God tested him to see whether he was willing to lay down his son as a sacrifice. When journeying to Mt. Moriah; Isaac his son asked his father where the sacrifice was- because he saw the fire and the wood but no animal sacrifice. This drew curiosity on his son's part, making him wonder aloud at this strange act. The father in his rejoinder said "the Lord shall provide," Yes even today the Lord shall provide in needy areas.
We need not to stagger at the promises made to us in the word of God. It doesn't really matter how great the storm is, we are going to tell the storm how great our God is, and we know for sure he is the stiller of storms. Whether it be sickness, or financial situations or any other situation rearing its ugly head, we know for a fact "He is the God of all flesh and nothing is too hard for him." Let's continue trusting in him, even when help isn't seen in sight, he will not forsake us, he will for sure come through, and salvage us at the least expected moments.
So are you giving up? Oh not you, you're a child of God, oh no a son of God. As many as received him, he gave them the right, power, privilege to become the sons of God. So if Christ is in you then you're a son of God, you have been given power to become a son of God. "And no son of God can afford to doubt his Father, but believe that he is, and he is the rewarder of them that seek him diligently." Walk like a son and behave like a son and not like a stranger to the promises of God. Against hope, hoping that everything God has spoken to you shall surely come to pass."
Jesus started his ministry, at a time when many peoples' level of faith had deteriorated to alarming levels. "It was also compounded with a teaching that seemed to cast a dark shadow over the faith Jewish patriarchs once held. Though the nation of Israel had a streak of unbelief, we still read more about the great faith with which some of their patriarchs displayed, who had faith in God, and they got for themselves a place in the entire chapter of the book of Hebrews which literally speaks more about faith."
"One of the greatest aspects Jesus instilled in his disciples was the art of believing God without doubting, a hard task; given the fact that during those days he was with them, his disciples were not filled with the Holy Spirit." He had to teach them not to lean on their understanding. Most of us today lean on our understanding. We cry desperately for help, but at the same time, "we got our own ways and methodology we use when trying to solve things-we tend to think needs our-machinations, when indeed God is waiting for us to put our trust entirely on him."
Having toiled the whole night, Christ requested to use Peter's vessel or boat. He told him to withdraw it from the land, and spoke to Peter from his vessel which he had converted to his pulpit, after that he told Peter- "launch out into the deep, and let your nets for a draught or a haul." And Simon or Peter answering said-"Master, we have toiled all night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at thy word I will let the net." Luke 5:1-5. Notice he says at your word, and he declares I will let my net instead of nets. I don't want to talk on the subject of the nets. I will zero in on aspects of the word, especially the one the Lord gives with clear instructions.
Having heard him speaking, though of the two ships he chose one that belonged to Peter, there was a clear intend on the part of Christ, that signified faith-building in situations that are dire. And how important not to give up hope even in the very difficult of moments. "When we find ourselves in similar circumstances and we hear his voice, then we need to act upon the instructions conveyed to us. Had Peter failed to do what he was told, (though through his expertise in fishing he was unable to get fish) for Christ might have spoken to the fish to hide till he tells them to get in to the net, he would not have had such a great encounter that made him bow at the feet of Christ; and subsequently telling Jesus to depart from him, for he was a sinful man."
Jesus told Peter not to fear because from that time on he shall catch men and not fish; and the Bible says he forsook all and followed Christ. Giving up is for the fearful, but the bold, will always summon courage to fight on until help arrives. We have constantly seen how God always came through when least expected, and salvaged his, from situations that bedeviled them, especially, when it all looked bleak. Some lean on the expertise or knack acquired over the years. And some lean on aspects that seems to show some ray of hope according to their own underestimating, nevertheless, none of it will be of great help. It's only when our faith remain in God, that we can be able to triumph against all odds, defying the norm, and that which is conventional, "and this will bring about a testimonial which ascribes glory and honor to God, hence making the faith of many to be build-up in Him that is the giver of life."
Every one got their low moments, and we get tried in many fronts. In all these, God allows situations like this to take place so that he sees as to whether we can trust him enough, or we will fall by the way side because our belief system has been shaken. Even Abraham was given a son in his old age, and God tested him to see whether he was willing to lay down his son as a sacrifice. When journeying to Mt. Moriah; Isaac his son asked his father where the sacrifice was- because he saw the fire and the wood but no animal sacrifice. This drew curiosity on his son's part, making him wonder aloud at this strange act. The father in his rejoinder said "the Lord shall provide," Yes even today the Lord shall provide in needy areas.
We need not to stagger at the promises made to us in the word of God. It doesn't really matter how great the storm is, we are going to tell the storm how great our God is, and we know for sure he is the stiller of storms. Whether it be sickness, or financial situations or any other situation rearing its ugly head, we know for a fact "He is the God of all flesh and nothing is too hard for him." Let's continue trusting in him, even when help isn't seen in sight, he will not forsake us, he will for sure come through, and salvage us at the least expected moments.
So are you giving up? Oh not you, you're a child of God, oh no a son of God. As many as received him, he gave them the right, power, privilege to become the sons of God. So if Christ is in you then you're a son of God, you have been given power to become a son of God. "And no son of God can afford to doubt his Father, but believe that he is, and he is the rewarder of them that seek him diligently." Walk like a son and behave like a son and not like a stranger to the promises of God. Against hope, hoping that everything God has spoken to you shall surely come to pass."
Monday, October 10, 2016
Inclining Your Ear To Wisdom
A Few Things I Have Learned After I Lend My Ear To Wisdom
1-Never act desperate when going through a trial; for if you do, you give the enemy a chance to destroy you.
2-Never utter anything that will make you regret later especially when angry; for when you have sobered up, you will be looking for a place to hide.
3-Never answer your detractors or critics, for by so doing, you give their allegations credibility. Try not to seek validation, or sympathy, it's only God who can validate you.
4-Rejoice when you have more haters than admires; for haters or detractors are there because you're doing something valuable which themselves can't do. Even Christ was hated by many. Simple rule; march on to your destiny and ignore the noise.
5-It's hard, but do it; love those who use you or are spiteful. Love your enemies and hate them not, they're there for your growth, without them, you will never scale certain levels. Seek not vengeance, for vengeance is God's.
6-If you want to know that you're making progress, then it will be palpable at a time when you're under attack, and also when people talk evil of you, and you're not moved, but in spite of all that you're able to smile and calmly bless them - this is a great pointer you're overcoming. And that shows you for sure how grown you're.
7-Charity, or Love will conquer anything the enemy has vowed to use to bring you down, and forgiveness is a strong weapon that eliminates bitterness; if you're not bitter with anyone, life, world or the past, then you have silenced the enemy and out of your spiritual well will come forth life!
1-Never act desperate when going through a trial; for if you do, you give the enemy a chance to destroy you.
2-Never utter anything that will make you regret later especially when angry; for when you have sobered up, you will be looking for a place to hide.
3-Never answer your detractors or critics, for by so doing, you give their allegations credibility. Try not to seek validation, or sympathy, it's only God who can validate you.
4-Rejoice when you have more haters than admires; for haters or detractors are there because you're doing something valuable which themselves can't do. Even Christ was hated by many. Simple rule; march on to your destiny and ignore the noise.
5-It's hard, but do it; love those who use you or are spiteful. Love your enemies and hate them not, they're there for your growth, without them, you will never scale certain levels. Seek not vengeance, for vengeance is God's.
6-If you want to know that you're making progress, then it will be palpable at a time when you're under attack, and also when people talk evil of you, and you're not moved, but in spite of all that you're able to smile and calmly bless them - this is a great pointer you're overcoming. And that shows you for sure how grown you're.
7-Charity, or Love will conquer anything the enemy has vowed to use to bring you down, and forgiveness is a strong weapon that eliminates bitterness; if you're not bitter with anyone, life, world or the past, then you have silenced the enemy and out of your spiritual well will come forth life!
Saturday, October 8, 2016
We Need The Anointing
Lately we have seen such a great surge in folks who have purported to receiving a call in the things of God. And as confusion rage on, and as the world ponder and try to decipher what is happening, no meaningful discernment seems to be in sight; especially to those who can't grasp the goings on.
It is to be understood for a fact that we have three ways in which a man can be called. One, by God, two, by men, and three by self- the latter means self-appointed. Examples are there galore in the bible to help us unravel this. It isn't a new phenomenon, neither is it just unique to us living in these very perilous times on the planet. "The likes of Absalom, his other brother Adonijah, who were all David's sons, appointed themselves as King's, only to be vanquished in their folly."
2Sa 15:10 But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron.
Here we can see how Absalom conspired to depose his father, by appointing himself as the King in the place of his living father, without any regards whatsoever to God's laid down ways.
1Ki 1:5 Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself, saying, I will be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.
1Ki 1:6 And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done so? and he also was a very goodly man; and his motherbare him after Absalom.
1Ki 1:7 And he conferred with Joab the son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest: and they following Adonijah helped him.
1Ki 1:8 But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty men which belonged to David, were not with Adonijah.
Again, here we see the same thing taking place. Self-appointment has always instigated worst tendencies, and some people that have already deviated from what is sound will be caught in the middle of it. "And casualties will be many. It's always borne-out of the fact, that people can't wait to be instructed well in God's ways, and are very hasty, not because they love God so much than the rest, but, rather, by so doing they try very hard to satiate their bloated egos. And this helps the enemy to displace the faith of some."
"Some are Appointed by God, and others by men, and we got several examples in the bible about situations like this- thus, because we need to narrow this down, we shall focus on a few individuals." And one of the examples is Saul's son who was put on the throne by Abner 'Saul's commander.'
2Sa 2:8 But Abner the son of Ner, captain of Saul's host, took Ishbosheth the son of Saul, and brought him over to Mahanaim;
2Sa 2:9 And made him king over Gilead, and over the Ashurites, and over Jezreel, and over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over all Israel.
2Sa 2:10 Ishbosheth Saul's son was forty years old when he began to reign over Israel, and reigned two years. But the house of Judah followed David.
When God calls somebody to the task he has assigned them, there is a remarkable shift in tendencies, and it's not conflicting in any manner. "The harbinger of it; is an open secret, which is a sheer fact -relative to ones calling. It doesn't escape any notice, as evidence is there to show to all and sundry that one indeed has a calling of God upon them." We have examples that are myriad that prove that in the word of God, "especially-how God plucked nobodies from divers backgrounds and elevated them beyond what their peers envisaged, making them a people with a purpose, and different from others; because of the anointing that rested upon them."
I will zero in on one of the characters that was obscure until the presage of lost donkeys. Saul was an average man without any sign of God's calling upon his life. His case can be truly equated to any Joe out there, that is happy going to Church, without fanfare or expectation of the portend that lays a head. Israel was at the crossroads; and badly desiring a ruler like any another nation that bordered her. While doing this, the people of Israel were oblivious of the fact that they were denying Him, that had brought them out of slavery. But God was willing to give them a King. It is only God that grands us leaders-whether those leaders are good, or worse.
The difference between all these, is what God does that humbles people, making them understand he is God, who is able to change man, status quo, adverse situations, and impossibilities surrounding man-kind. "This man Saul was plucked from obscurity and thrust to leadership pedestal, not by his making, or by virtue of his tribe or ethnicity. It's not because of an honorable family name, neither because of deep pockets that attracts levels of unction, rather, the calling of God that rests upon one chosen of him."
The donkeys were found. God used the situation of the lost beasts of burden as a portend that heralded the prospects of his elevation. He never got himself involved in spiritual theatrics of the day. Neither was he practicing religious dogmas to warrant his elevation, "or connecting himself to the prophet with a 'seed' in order for his spiritual elevation to be sure. God had already told prophet Samuel that He will bring him a man that will be the captain of His people. Seed money wasn't needed to unlock Saul's potential, it's not by might neither by power; but by my spirit says the Lord."
One of the things that totally upstages pundits is the sheer fact that God can't be fathomed using human intellect, or by usage of accumulated experience. He will forever remain God. As ordinary as Saul was, just like some of us were up until he released His unction on us, we remained so ordinary. When his Spirit came upon us then change was instigated by him.
1Sa 10:1 Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance?
1Sa 10:2 When thou art departed from me to day, then thou shalt find two men by Rachel's sepulchre in the border of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say unto thee, The asses which thou wentest to seek are found: and, lo, thy father hath left the care of the asses, and sorroweth for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?
1Sa 10:3 Then shalt thou go on forward from thence, and thou shalt come to the plain of Tabor, and there shall meet thee three men going up to God to Bethel, one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine:
1Sa 10:4 And they will salute thee, and give thee two loaves of bread; which thou shalt receive of their hands.
1Sa 10:5 After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp, before them; and they shall prophesy:
1Sa 10:6 And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.
1Sa 10:7 And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee.
Chapter ten verse six, captures my attention. It vividly states that, "the Spirit will come upon you, and you shall prophecy, and you shall be turned into another man." It means, I will make you cease being ordinary, and things will change, and as you prophecy, there will be a transformation taking place inside of you. You will no longer be the same, for you will be turned in to another man that you were initially not. "The things you will do, are things you never thought at any given time you will be able to do them, because my Spirit will give you the impetus to do those things when action is demanded."
We need the anointing, and we need to be turned in to different men and women as in Saul's case. We see this replicated in the lives of those folks that allowed God to use them. They feared God, they were not interested in-man's recognition, neither were they striving to become celeb preachers, wanting recognition by titles, or craving for the world attention, and robbing God his place. "They had faith in him, suffering perils, being denounced by regimes, not welcome in some places, enduring persecution and tribulations."
On the day of Pentecost we see how fearful, and struggling men and women were baptized in the spirit, and got energized in the things of God, and they boldly declared Christ. When flogged for preaching Christ, they were happy to have participated in his suffering. How many of us will be happy when flogged because they openly preached Christ? We are too embarrassed to testify of him on platforms given to us. We don't want to raffle feathers, we want to be accommodative, and accept every filth in the church in the name of tolerance and understanding.
That is why we need the anointing, and the calling of Christ upon our lives. To be able to speak about Christ without fear. "And by the way it's only Christ who has the ability to change situations, nations and peoples of the world. No man on earth has that ability, ours is to discourse principles outlined in his word to them that Christ is sending us to." Time has come to spearhead the right aspects, and do so with fervor, knowing for sure that days are coming when the Son of God shall return, and as His chosen people let's work hard being led by his Spirit when it's still day, before darkness engulf the earth."

Going Back To The Message
At the throes of the church realizing her potential, rogues have taken advantage to abuse the very privilege bestowed upon her. When ...
I have always been fascinated by Elijah's exploits. At the time when faith was nothing to write home, to a people engrossed in idol wors...
It's not easy for us of this generation to grasp the weight of certain things; particularly thus, by virtue of God's unhindered way...
A Few Things I Have Learned After I Lend My Ear To Wisdom 1-Never act desperate when going through a trial; for if you do, you give the ...