One of the challenges of being a Christian is keeping up your faith in the midst of scores of assaults emanating from the enemies camp. The assailant is very furious, and determined to disrupt that level of faith; "which if it goes unchecked, could cause him (the enemy) devastating harm, hence he tries to render it ( faith) null and void."
Jesus started his ministry, at a time when many peoples' level of faith had deteriorated to alarming levels. "It was also compounded with a teaching that seemed to cast a dark shadow over the faith Jewish patriarchs once held. Though the nation of Israel had a streak of unbelief, we still read more about the great faith with which some of their patriarchs displayed, who had faith in God, and they got for themselves a place in the entire chapter of the book of Hebrews which literally speaks more about faith."
"One of the greatest aspects Jesus instilled in his disciples was the art of believing God without doubting, a hard task; given the fact that during those days he was with them, his disciples were not filled with the Holy Spirit." He had to teach them not to lean on their understanding. Most of us today lean on our understanding. We cry desperately for help, but at the same time, "we got our own ways and methodology we use when trying to solve things-we tend to think needs our-machinations, when indeed God is waiting for us to put our trust entirely on him."
Having toiled the whole night, Christ requested to use Peter's vessel or boat. He told him to withdraw it from the land, and spoke to Peter from his vessel which he had converted to his pulpit, after that he told Peter- "launch out into the deep, and let your nets for a draught or a haul." And Simon or Peter answering said-"Master, we have toiled all night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at thy word I will let the net." Luke 5:1-5.
Notice he says at your word, and he declares I will let my net instead of nets. I don't want to talk on the subject of the nets. I will zero in on aspects of the word, especially the one the Lord gives with clear instructions.
Having heard him speaking, though of the two ships he chose one that belonged to Peter, there was a clear intend on the part of Christ, that signified faith-building in situations that are dire. And how important not to give up hope even in the very difficult of moments. "When we find ourselves in similar circumstances and we hear his voice, then we need to act upon the instructions conveyed to us. Had Peter failed to do what he was told, (though through his expertise in fishing he was unable to get fish) for Christ might have spoken to the fish to hide till he tells them to get in to the net, he would not have had such a great encounter that made him bow at the feet of Christ; and subsequently telling Jesus to depart from him, for he was a sinful man."
Jesus told Peter not to fear because from that time on he shall catch men and not fish; and the Bible says he forsook all and followed Christ. Giving up is for the fearful, but the bold, will always summon courage to fight on until help arrives. We have constantly seen how God always came through when least expected, and salvaged his, from situations that bedeviled them, especially, when it all looked bleak. Some lean on the expertise or knack acquired over the years. And some lean on aspects that seems to show some ray of hope according to their own underestimating, nevertheless, none of it will be of great help. It's only when our faith remain in God, that we can be able to triumph against all odds, defying the norm, and that which is conventional, "and this will bring about a testimonial which ascribes glory and honor to God, hence making the faith of many to be build-up in Him that is the giver of life."
Every one got their low moments, and we get tried in many fronts. In all these, God allows situations like this to take place so that he sees as to whether we can trust him enough, or we will fall by the way side because our belief system has been shaken. Even Abraham was given a son in his old age, and God tested him to see whether he was willing to lay down his son as a sacrifice. When journeying to Mt. Moriah; Isaac his son asked his father where the sacrifice was- because he saw the fire and the wood but no animal sacrifice. This drew curiosity on his son's part, making him wonder aloud at this strange act. The father in his rejoinder said "the Lord shall provide," Yes even today the Lord shall provide in needy areas.
We need not to stagger at the promises made to us in the word of God. It doesn't really matter how great the storm is, we are going to tell the storm how great our God is, and we know for sure he is the stiller of storms. Whether it be sickness, or financial situations or any other situation rearing its ugly head, we know for a fact "He is the God of all flesh and nothing is too hard for him." Let's continue trusting in him, even when help isn't seen in sight, he will not forsake us, he will for sure come through, and salvage us at the least expected moments.
So are you giving up? Oh not you, you're a child of God, oh no a son of God. As many as received him, he gave them the right, power, privilege to become the sons of God. So if Christ is in you then you're a son of God, you have been given power to become a son of God. "And no son of God can afford to doubt his Father, but believe that he is, and he is the rewarder of them that seek him diligently." Walk like a son and behave like a son and not like a stranger to the promises of God. Against hope, hoping that everything God has spoken to you shall surely come to pass."
Going Back To The Message
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