Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Intrigues Of The Times.

It has been conspicuously illusive in the gospel sphere in modern times, and we are at each other's neck constantly, apportioning all manner of blame, for that illusive gospel authority, with which the early church leaders wielded. Jesus Christ was categorical in his ministry here on earth, on what was fundamental, as it pertained to the gospel he presented to man kind.

Today, the Church has found herself grappling with many challenges.  And everyone is positioning himself or herself as the " truth" dispenser in this last days. Many a times the saints have been punching the air instead of hitting at the enemy who is prowling around. Ephesians 6:12 states " for we wrestle not against flesh and blood." It goes on to list what we wrestle against." When saints abdicate their spiritual responsibilities, then an avenue is created for deception to creep in. What most people don't realize is that " the enemy has thrived on deception." John 8:44
 " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murder from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his on: for he is a liar and the father of it."

When examining that passage of scripture, it paints a clear picture of what the enemy does, and he is a father of it, and that is deception. Remember The Lord was saying this to a Jewish throng which was infuriated by what he had said to them. He told the throng that "if you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

We need to know, for a fact - if we don't continue in his word, we shall not be his disciples indeed, and we shall not know the truth, and we won't be free from the deceptions, lusts, envyings and all the intrigues  of the master deceiver. The Lord made this plain. And it's our responsibility to grasp what he told his servants.

There are many things going on today that fit the enemy's billing. "when we lean on our initiatives, mundane strategies, and entertaining thoughts that are hostile to the word of God, we are in danger of being deceived. It is incumbent upon all those called as stewards of the mysteries of God, to do what is right in the eyes of God. Emulations, competitions, pulpit rhetoric and jabs aimed at tearing down each other, have derailed the demonstrative manifestation of God's power.  Paul tells the Corinth church that, "when I came to you, I never did it with oratory prowess, but rather with demonstration of Gods power"!
I have seen several times, wastage of energy when folks tried to prove to each other, who among them is endowed with Gods revelation, and truth. Arguments upon arguments, that never produced spiritual productivity, but enhanced strive, and doctrinal schism that split the church every often, losing thousands every year to the world they were escaping from.

When we take stock of what is going on among the saints of God, you will be stunned. Remember Christ said vividly that "ye belong to your father the devil."And he went on to explain what manner of traits he has. "Scheming, spiritual murders, lies galore have become the order of the day." Few are ready to speak the truth, for fear of  antagonizing their cronies, who they know for sure have erred. Whereas spiritual hunger is quite noticeable today, many have been starved spiritually by our delicate handling of the message of the cross. We are borrowing heavily from the world. We use phrases and quotes from renowned philosophers. By so doing we think we look more educated in things of the kingdom, but alas, we come out stripped off our spiritual positioning.

While all this is going on, the enemy is in a celebratory mood, because of the intrigues he has sold to his adherents, who aren't even aware, that for sure they are advancing his deception and traits.

We can still see God in our lives, by way of doing what he told us. We are obligated to continue in his "word" and not words of other men. This way, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit shall lift up a standard against him. For us to see The Lord confirming his word, we must adhere to his instructions. If we don't,  then, we are advancing the traits of the deceiver. It doesn't matter how big in size one's congregation is, or  how his natural abilities are palpable, or the riches that catches human eye, if one doesn't observe the masters word, and continuing in it, such one is already deceived, and many shall he lead astray.

Saints need to hear God, and when they do, the preachers work is easy, and not intricate like most want it to be, so that many will depend on them, without ever standing on their own. But let us echo Paul's words to Timothy his son in the faith. He told him " study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." He knew how important that was in a young ministers life.

It's still important to most of us as well." Let's keep doing what is noble, and acceptable in his eyes.
To be continued.

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