In the days leading to Pentecost, Jerusalem did bear witness to events that will alter religious history for ever. In those days, taxation, oppression, lack of spiritual insight, and confusion in religious order become the norm. Israel was reeling from scores of effects. Just as it is today, man, has been yearning for a drastic spiritual change.
We have encountered all manner of teachers hyping us every day, employing every possible trick in the book in an effort to ready ourselves for things we should expect. Some are true, and others have no biblical backing. But many have danced along, embracing the rhythm, if only something drastic, and closer to Christ's bidding will be more achievable. God in heaven doesn't do anything through the eye of man, or through his (man) creativity. He doesn't behave like Baal, neither can he do things just because man is hyped in the same way the prophets of Baal got themselves hyped, and cut themselves - only to be mocked by prophet Elijah who fully understood spiritual dynamics in the days of his ministry.
Now a man from Nazareth came with a strong message that was full of authority. He didn't fear to claim publicly he had been send by his Father, to the chagrin of religious leaders of the day, who had for long loaded God's people with various yokes! In the Synagogues he spoke with authority on various topics. And no one would dare challenge him. "He opened the eyes of the blind, cast out devils, healed the lame, raised the dead to life, fed those who were hungry, to the utter consternation of the rabbinical order, whose words had no life, nor truth or grace."
As masses got confused,especially with unfolding events, and other circumstantial evidences attributed to his accurate presage, he was ( Jesus) preparing his servants for the events that will precede his earthly ministry and into post-Christ ministry. He warned them of various dangers, and instructed them on how to comport themselves in such situations. He told them of his impending death, and how the sheep was going to be scattered after the Shephard is smitten. Peter ignored this by telling Christ, he will ( Peter) not abandon him, even if others did so, provoking Christ to tell him, he was going to deny him thrice before the rooster crow. Mathew 26:34
This man was different: he was meek, dinning with sinners, and publicans until, he became the talk of the villages, towns, and cities. Even Judean King was desiring to see him. He made a grand entry into the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and the crowd went wild- saying "Hosanna Hosanna, blessed is he that comes in the name of The Lord, by both who went before him and those who followed." Mark 11:9
Before Passover, it had become obvious that his death was imminent. The religious leaders who were working tirelessly to see he is stopped in his trucks because of envy, went a head and plotted his killing. They picked him up at the garden where he had gone to pray in the company of his disciples. And they tortured him, and wrought evil on him that gives life. This was done to fulfill the scriptures. He was sentenced to die on the cross. And fear gripped Jerusalem, as his disciples abandoned him.
One notable thing took place when he gave his ghost on that tree, the whole place began to shake, and remember it was already dark, and the vail in the temple was rent from the top to the bottom; soldiers who were all along mistreating him, when they saw this, "confessed" surely this was the Son of God.
The disciples gripped with fear, could not believe he had resurrected from the dead, and, "had became the first- born of the resurrection." He appeared to them a number of times, preparing them for the promise of the Father.
In the midst of fear, confusion, lack of direction, and hard questions being raised, a group of 120 people were already holed up in a room upstairs, praying and waiting for the promise told them when they saw him going up. It doesn't say they were fasting as some pundits suggest.
Jerusalem had been inundated with people from all walks of life. They were here for the feast of Pentecost. Events that took place during Passover week were still fresh on the minds of some. Then in the third hour of the day, something extra - ordinary happened. There was a great visitation on the persons holed upstairs, they were all filled with the Holy Ghost- speaking in tongues as God gave them ability. They spoke in languages of various people present. And clearly were they heard by those gathered in Jerusalem praising God. It was such great awakening. A marvelous site to behold, others were shocked to see these Jewish folks speaking in their respective dialects with clarity, the wondrous works of God.
It was a turning point. But still some others had the audacity to mock them, saying, "these folks are intoxicated with new wine,"prompting Peter to deliver one of the most moving power packed sermon, that cut through their hearts resulting in them asking, "what should we do in order to be saved?" Peter gave them a ready answer, and about three thousands people were converted that day!
Time is coming when "a wave of glory" will be seen. Peter quoted prophet Joel, who had prophesied that "God shall pour out of His spirit upon every flesh." And Joel says this shall be in the last days. When everything seem bleak, when questions seem not to attract any meaningful answer, when things are going awry, remember God hasn't forgotten his promise. He is calling out on his people, preparing them for the great out- pouring.
In the midst of all that is happening, we know there will be a wave of glory, one that has never been seen before. Haggai 2:9 talks about the latter glory of this " house" shall be greater than the former. We are entering a critical stage, that calls upon us to be ready for the wave of glory that possibly may usher in his second coming. That is why the church has been engaged in a constant war by the enemy, so that she isn't ready. Keep your lamps burning with enough oil for the bridegroom is so close to coming.
Going Back To The Message
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